What is VPN?
VPN is a technology that creates a secure and encrypted connection to a private network over the internet.

What is a VPN and how does it work?
VPN (a virtual private network) is a service that encrypts your internet traffic on unsecured networks to protect your online identity, hide your IP address, and shield your online data from third parties. VPNs use real-time encryption and send user internet data through a secure VPN tunnel to minimize the possibility of anyone tracking what they do online.
How does a VPN work? When you connect to a VPN service, it authenticates your client (i.e., devices, such as a smartphone) with a VPN server and applies an encryption protocol to all your internet data. The VPN service creates an encrypted “tunnel,” securing the data traveling from your device. This encryption keeps your data safe, even on public Wi-Fi.
What can a VPN offer me?
VPN offers enhanced online privacy, security, and protection. Using a VPN hides your IP address from cybercriminals, ISPs (internet service providers), snoopers, and hackers.
Cipher VPN protects your internet traffic with AES (advanced encryption standard) encryption, keeping your data and identity safe – even on public Wi-Fi. With a new IP and virtual location, you can avoid tracking and keep your data private from prying eyes.

Top reasons people use VPN

Stay safe on public WiFi
People love public Wi-Fi, but so do hackers. With simple tools, they can capture passwords and logins as they pass through a shared Wi-Fi point. Keep your accounts safe by encrypting your connection with Cipher VPN.

Stream favorite content faster
Internet service providers regularly throttle services they compete with, but with Cipher VPN, you can avoid throttling by keeping your browsing private from your service provider.

Stay connected to home
Don't miss out on current events or local news when you're travelling. With servers in 60 countries, Cipher VPN can help you stay connected to home as if you were there.

Protect your online privacy
Cipher VPN protects your privacy by encrypting your browsing activity, ensuring that no one can monitor or track your online behavior. Don't let anyone violate your human right to privacy - use Cipher VPN.
Use Cipher VPN and enjoy all the benefits
Built with speed in mind, Cipher VPN provides unlimited bandwidth. No more slow loading times and constant buffering.
Keep your address hidden. Choose from over 55 locations across 60 countries and be virtually located anywhere.
Public Wi-Fi has minimal safeguards and often sells your data. Plus, it is a breeding ground for snoops and hackers. Let Cipher VPN keep you safe!